
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Morning walk and other phone fragments


A dark start of the morning - we must be heading to winter; but the sun was coming through the trees to the east as I headed out - as you can see from the light on the spiders' webs (above) and the trees below.

Into the walk the sun was picking up delicate features and colours. The butterfly seemed to have taken a beating in the wind but was still hanging in there.

My Wednesday walk now cuts through Graham's orchid house where some of his recently acquired beauties were on show.


  1. the spider web looks incredibly substantial in that light ... and the yellow mesh(?) is most intriguing

  2. The spider's web looks as though it has been spun out of copper. Beautiful photographs as usual

  3. LA and J - thanks for your comments. LA - the light and dew gave it substance. The yellow mesh was the detail of a fungi. J - I love that reflection - yes it was very coppery and metal like. Cheers. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.