
Sunday, October 30, 2022

As we leave - more cove stone


During the week I worked on carving a wee conical depression into one of the incredibly hard stones from the local fishing cove. The stone sits alongside one that I carved on the previous trip - see the last photo in this blog post. Who knows - maybe the whitish stone might be carved next time to make up the trio.

A few process photos follow - the carving took 5-6 hours - the stone was incredibly hard.

A couple of the completed stone.

In my mind the depressions are a reflection of Pictish cup carvings found on Pictish stones. The stones of course reflect the ancient landscape; and of course the connection with the cove and fishing industry. Quite a fitting way to round off this visit to the cottage.


  1. Such hard work but a beautiful out come.

  2. I can well-imagine how one could get lost in the doing of this (although I can likewise imagine hands aching, too) ... thank you for the lead to Pictish petroglyphs, which are so tempting to imitate!

  3. oh good grief ... after a week of connection issues with the Typepad bloggers, the Blogger blogs seem to be following suit ... no doubt time will be the ultimate healer

  4. N.B. the disappearing images only occur on my laptop ... iPhone imaging is fine


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