I would like to be able to whittle-carve small wooden comfort birds that could be gifted to folk who might need them. Something I would like to do whilst in Scotland.
Comfort birds are small palm sized bird forms that can be held and give the holder a sense of calm, peace, hope etc.
I have watched a number of videos on how to whittle-carve such a bird. However, most videos indicate one would cut the rough bird form from a sanded or planed block of timber using a band or scroll saw - I have neither of those so I wanted to see if I could cut a rough form from a salvaged length of camphor laurel branch; and then finish the task with hand held knife and hand sanding.
The opening photo shows the rough form I have achieved to date - including having done a bit of hand sanding to remove rough edges. The photo below shows the form marked up for knife work.
Following are some progress-process photos going from cutting a block out of the camphor laurel branch through to rough cut form before a bit of hand sanding. The hand sawing process took quite a while; but it is good to know one can take a reasonably low tech approach to the task
Over the weekend I hope to do some hand whittling. This has been a big learning process for me.