
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Looking back-looking forward


A wee post to review some of the variety of my work in 2021; and some of the things that have influenced my work.

The year started with me bringing salvaged timber together in small table top sculptures as posted on 31 January.

2021 was not a good year in equality terms  - not doubt patriarchy was asserting itself in Australia in many forms. I felt compelled to begin a patriarchy series that highlights some of the abusive aspects of the patriarchal system. This would become one of the significant themes of my letterpress work over the year.

In March Fiona and I had a small open studio event - this was the first time in our new studio (Deckled Edge Press) that I showed some of my small sculptural pieces in a garden-studio setting. This included showing the simple beauty of a timber cube with an inked routed continuous groove.

Over the year I have read and re-read about how highland farmers were forced onto the coastal fringes and forced to become fisher folk. Of course this resulted in hardship, poverty and death. I have been slowly working on vessel forms that might one day find expression in and exhibition and reflect the plight of some highland folk.

I have been fortunate throughout the year to get a couple of commissions - and I particularly enjoy the work when it involves post sculptures and rust like the one's for Faith. You can check out some details here. Bubbles are mandatory when installing posts!!!!!

An older community installation regarding peace and the environment got a refresh courtesy of the council. The clean made the pieces sing again.

I was gifted a remnant of 2mm thick stainless steel plate - hard to work and not my preferred material; but it did lend itself to the creation of some leaf forms. I particularly liked the negative space leaf forms in the photo above.

A big thank-you to Fiona for creating new websites and on-line shops for us in August. This inspired us to apply ourselves to promotion and a more professional presentation.

The year in review would not be complete without reference to the recognition of International Day of Peace - including the installation of weather grams and peace doves in our tree.

The creation of this simple bench seems unimportant - but if it is installed in a community grief garden it could offer some solace. Before the bench is installed the plan is to rout the words pause and remember  on front edge of the bench.

Each year Fiona and I plan to hold a sale towards the end of the year. This year our plan held true - we had a great time with folk over two days - sold quite a bit of stuff and shared many tales with folk. A lot of work goes into the preparation - the post here shows we were ready. Photo of Fiona hard at it.

The year ended doing preparatory work for another post sculpture. Not bad that the coming year will feature the progress of this work. Looking back and looking forward.

Going back through the  158 blog posts for the year makes one realise that our art life is quite busy; and there is quite a bit of variety.

A big thank-you to folk who have supported us and taken interest in our work in 2021. We look forward to sharing our art life with you in 2022.


  1. Wonderful. I hope 2022 will be a good year for you. Love what you did in 2021, especially that beautiful boat. Looking forward to your productions this year.

  2. I chuckles at your "wee post" ... and it strikes me that this is but a fraction of a very productive year's worth of work ... thank you for the time and care with which you record your doings here ... I love being able to look around the world and over your shoulder

  3. Wonderful collection, Barry! I love your post sculptures. If you lived closer, I'd want one in my forest clearing here :)


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.