Sunday, July 7, 2024

Preparing for IDP


Fiona and I are fully into preparing weather grams for International Day of Peace (21 September 2024). This year we are both printing weather grams on recycled brown paper cutlery holders from local food outlets - collected by family and friends.

In all we had enough cutlery holders to print 240 weather grams. On Friday night we had a gathering with a few friends and over some wine and cheese we punched holes in and threaded cord through all the weather grams - see opening photo for some of the completed weather grams. The photos below shows the start of assembling of the weather grams. A lot of fun was had in assembling the weather grams, sharing food and wine and friendship.

Following are a few process photos. You can see that this year I have printed the words create peace here - meaning start by creating or offering peace locally. Fiona has used peace is every step - a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh. The weather grams were printed on one of our presses at Deckled Edge Press using 48 point lower case Placard Bold metal type.

These weather grams will make their way out into the world so that they can be tied in trees and on fences etc to flutter and fly on International Day of Peace and hopefully send a few ripples of peace into the world.

Friday, July 5, 2024

Flipping between timber and metal


I have had a few tasks on the go: carving vases (above and below); making leaf related spoons; and starting a stack of copper leaves.

The first few of the leaf related spoons cut and ground and ready for the hammer.

About 40 copper blanks cut ready to make leaves of various sizes including 19cm long ones for a set for a Bending sculpture.

Sometimes it is good to be able to more from task to task when making multiples - gives the eyes and muscles a rest!!! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Mainly bark and birds


A very simple blog post today featuring some beautiful bark patterns (above and below); and the beginnings of my collection of images of birds without background.

I'm toying with the idea that the birds without backgrounds such as those below could become a second watercolour series.  They are mainly black and white and silhouettes.

Whether it is bark or birds or even the morning moon, a wallaby at dawn or orchids by the path -  it is grand to have reminders of beauty and hope.