Monday, October 14, 2024

Stone with inlaid solid silver


When we did a workshop last year with Lindsey Gallacher I experiment with inlaying solid silver rod into a cove stone I had cut a groove into with a diamond blade. When Fiona and I were talking about art that we might do whilst we are over here this time she suggested that I might do some more inlay work. 

I ordered a .5m length of 2mm .925 solid silver rod; and we collected suitable stones from the cove - see photos below.

Over the weekend I managed to finish one of the stones (see opening photo); and worked on four others including an inlaid cross for Graham (see process photos below). The stones were cut free hand with a 1.5mm diamond blade in my side grinder. This requires steady hands and good safety goggles, mask and gloves.

The grooves are finessed with a diamond file; the silver rod is glued into the groove when cut, shaped etc; the whole thing is given a polishing sand; and finally polished with light coat of mineral oil.

Over the next couple of weeks I hope to finish about 7 stones in all.

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