Sunday, August 4, 2024

Putting peace in place

This year we will be in Scotland on International Day of Peace (IDP) (21 September). We will hang our weather grams and peace doves at our cottage for IDP. But we also have our weather grams and peace doves hanging in the tree out the front of our Maleny home. Saturday afternoon was a great sunny afternoon to put peace in place on the tree - image of me above and Fiona below.

I liked the fact that some weather grams from previous years are still hanging in there - see below.

And a few more of peace in the tree.

Finishing with a couple of peace images - on Ken's sculpture at the front door and couple of sculptures under the tree.

One cannot have too many shoutouts for peace. This year I chose to print the words "create peace here" meaning peace starts at the local level - between individuals and communities  - and ripples out across the globe.

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