Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cornucopia type of morning

©2016 Barry Smith - Tiny (1cm in diameter) crushed pods on the road - almost like water carrying vessels
This morning felt like autumn - coldish, grey and at first there seemed to be many things that were ended such as the pods above and below; or on their last legs.

©2016 Barry Smith
©2016 Barry Smith
But nature always surprises - showing some things one has not noticed before.

©2016 Barry Smith - Such an enfolding shape
©2016 Barry Smith
©2016 Barry Smith - Beautiful cascade of purple stars
©2016 Barry Smith
©2016 Barry Smith - Ants collecting nectar!!
And then there were those things that had decided to reappear even though spring had seriously passed.

©2016 Barry Smith 
©2016 Barry Smith
©2016 Barry Smith
The grey morning was in its own way fretting and offered a muted backdrop for the colour.

©2016 Barry Smith - I noticed this crushed glass on the outside workbench when I arrived back home


  1. Wonderful series.
    Nature is full of so much beauty and surprises.

  2. Always such interesting photos.

  3. Love the imprint of the centre part on the right edge of the 'unfolding' flower.
    Sandy in the UK

  4. Those crushed pods! How beautiful they are. Honestly, it wasn't until reading your words that I realized what they truly were. Thought you'd taken a basketry class and made them. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Some of my favourite things here, Barry! And those little basket weave pods top the list. Such an amazing formation, and usually hidden. Love the purple, too, I want some of that in my garden.


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