Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Rainbows in the house, moon and other fragments

I have said before that there are weeks where there is no theme in the images one captures but rather a mix of things that grab one's attention. This blog simply shares some of those fragments.

Winter rainbows in the house.

©2018 Barry Smith - Rainbow on cutting board and tea-bag dish
©2018 Barry Smith - Rainbow on folded book and edge of painting canvas 
©2018 Barry Smith - Rainbow on small porcelain dish
©2018 Barry Smith - Rainbow in the sink
©2018 Barry Smith - Rainbow on Thich Nhat Hanh mark making work
Two phases of the moon.

©2018 Barry Smith - Moon - 15 August 7.34pm
©2018 Barry Smith - Moon 21 August 1am
And other random bits.
©2018 Barry Smith - Antique powerpoint - wall in Entangle
©2018 Barry Smith - Micro garden on a rock 
©2018 Barry Smith - Sunset some weeks ago
©2018 Barry Smith - Rusted ceramic heart on the bell terrace


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.