©2017 Barry Smith - Hard day at the office??? - a brief rest from hammering & chiselling |
Today was not about finishing; but rather about edging three art jobs along. By far the most time consuming was cutting a groove in the concrete base of the Buttress Root Sculpture so we can do some rectification work next week.
©2017 Barry Smith - Circular area where I needed to cut the groove |
I had hoped that I could cut into the concrete with a battery powered angle grinder with a diamond blade.
©2017 Barry Smith - Test run of the diamond blade at home - worked really well |
But that was not to be the case - I just could not get the tool close enough because of the river rocks. The job of hammering and chiselling into super hard concrete took 2.5 hours. I had to cut a groove around a 1.2m long X 1cm wide X 1cm deep. But it got a good result in the end.
©2017 Barry Smith - Selection of hardened chisels - sharpened with diamond file - ready for work |
©2017 Barry Smith _ Selection of copper hammers and tungsten tipped hammers |
©2017 Barry Smith - Copper hammer and chisel at work |
©2017 Barry Smith - Nice groove !!!! |
©2017 Barry Smith - Groove and corner |
Before heading out to the Buttress Root site I selected the timber for the School of Funky Fish 2 sculpture; and got Fiona to work with me on layout of the 7 fish. I cut, drilled, sanded and oiled the timber before heading out - but more on that on Sunday maybe.
©2017 Barry Smith - Setting out the fish |
I have also been completing the aluminium pieces to be etched for the 5 post snake and water motifs sculpture. I needed to mark up and block-out aluminium for the tops of the post.
©2017 Barry Smith - Pieces blocked out with paint pen and shellac |
Then of course one needs to ensure there are adequate supplies of copper sulphate and salt if one is to do a big etch on Sunday.
©2017 Barry Smith - Gardening copper sulphate and cheap salt |
I have got to the end of the day; and am now ready for a curry and wine.
I always enjoy your wip shots and photos of your well used tools.