Several months ago about twenty artists across Queensland were invited to participate in an artists’ books exhibition. All sounds good as invites such as that don’t come along every day. The challenge for me was how to be true to the concept of a book as having some words to communicate a message or story and yet produce 3 dimensional works using recycled wood, rusted metal and salvaged building materials. In the end it turned out to be quite a lot of fun. Most pieces ended up with a haiku poem or words to make a statement as one design element of the piece. With actual written calligraphy I was assisted by
Fiona but on the metal pieces, including rusted steel packing bands, I was able to use metal workers alphabet stamps to create the words. The exhibition at
Maleny Artworks was quite impressive with the range and quality of work presented. One of my pieces is below - Between the Mountains. The haiku, with calligraphy by Fiona, is
Between two mountains the wings of a gliding hawk balancing sunlight (D Elliott). This piece sold during the exhibition