Art4place, a community based not-for-profit group of artists, is facilitating an event called
Sunshine Coast Creative Spaces 2012. This will include six temporary placemaking art activities.
One of these activities is an installation of about 12 monoliths placed amongst a treelike at Maleny Retreat. This installation is called
Peace in the Trees. To enable the installation to be created we have invited 12 local artists to participate in a two-day sandstone sculpture workshop to create the 12 monoliths with carvings related to peace and nature.
This is a real community artist activity. Most of the artists have not done any sandstone carving before. We will be taught and supervised by Craig Medson andFiona McCarron - both recognised internationally as sculptors.
Craig visited a sandstone quarry in Helidon and selected the sandstone; it has been delivered to the shed at Maleny Retreat; and Craig has begun to break it into the 12 or more pieces for artists to work on.
The pieces of stone are large (9 tonnes in all); but they do break down into beautiful blocks don't you think.
©2012 Barry Smith - Sandstone for Peace in the Trees |
©2012 Barry Smith - Sandstone for Peace in the Trees |
The workshop will be on 28-29 August so your can expect a post update on the activity on the two days as we turn this beautiful stone into meaningful monoliths.
And if you haven't already checked it out - you can join in my
500th post giveaway that is to be drawn on Sunday.