Over the weekend I progressed the work on the 210 peace leaves for International Peace Day (21 September). In the main I was: marking the fold line on the metal blank; and stamping the word peace on each blank.
But this can be a receptive job so I went off on a couple of tangents. First when looking at a piece of tray I had cut down I suddenly decided I would make about 30 peace-tags to give away. I was inspired by
Liz A's generous giveaway of imagine peace pins;
Fiona's giveaway of inspirational letter press words; and
Mary-Jane D's inspirational stamped metal.
I thought this giveaway might just help to keep the conversation and ripple of peace going.
©2017 Barry Smith - Silver-plated brass tags about 3cm long and 2.5cm wide) with peace and tree of life symbols |
If you want one of these tags for yourself or to give away to inspire someone else to think about peace - let me know by email (including your address).
I also came across some of my
old metal peace flags from a few years ago as I rummaged around looking for metal - I thought these could get another outing in some form in the future
©2017 Barry Smith - Old "Peace Flags" from a few years ago - they have aged well. |
©2017 Barry Smith - Old "Peace Flags" from a few years ago - they have aged well. |
But of course I got back to the marking and stamping of my peace leaf blanks - over 220 in the pile. I always make a few extra to deal with metal failure in the folding and unfolding stages.
©2017 Barry Smith - A pretty grungy looking heap of cut, marked and stamped meal - but I'm sure they will make beautiful peace leaves (about 9cm long) |
Now all that is left to do is: folding; cutting of leaf shapes; unfolding; and grinding and polishing. I'm well on the way.