Saturday was spent in the DEP studio-gallery-shop. As well as attending to customers I set and printed a postcard regarding the importance of seeing and holding on to fragments of beauty in dark times. The words we by John O'Donuhue. I used a 24pt script type - the lowercase is quite small - took a bit of time to compose. You might be able to pick up a typo that I didn't pick up until I had finished printing and cleaned up and put the type away.
Today I managed to finish the last of the leaf tea caddy spoons and leaf teaspoons. The metal working gloves on the bench have just about seen their day.
I also cut up and annealed about 30 largish copper blanks for a future project; and cut and sanded 3 hardwood cubes for another future project. Both those projects will be revealed at a later date. Turned out to be a full weekend.