Today I finished etching some 27 aluminium plates of various sizes that will become elements of small indoor-desk sculptural pieces. I still need to do the final cleaning of the plates but I am happy with the outcome. The plates ranged in size from 5cmX5cm to 12cmX20cm.
The process started with making some templates; and then doing the blockout using red, blue and white paint pens.
Today I did the etching using copper sulphate and table salt - based on Fiona's instructions and quantity measures. Wanting to get the 27 plates done I made 2 litres of a strong solution. Lots of heat and copper froth being given off. The etch on the aluminium is about .25mm-.5mm deep. Etching was done outside with mask on and breeze to blow away and fumes.
The pieces were given a couple of washes when they came out of the solution. Then the remains paint needed to be removed - using Fiona's non-acetone nail-polish remover.
The final pieces still show signs of paint stain - this will be removed using a wire wheel. The edges of the plates will also have the edges ground.
I'm hoping that by Sunday I can have the timbers sanded and a couple of pieces complete.