Saturday, August 17, 2024

Flat no more


Fiona needs seven small plinths to display one of her art works for her upcoming exhibition (Hame, Strathnaver Museum Annex opening 7 pm 30 August). I volunteered to make the plinths to her design (graduated sizes [largest 600mm high and 200mm square] and colour [grey]). 

I decided to fabricate them in my Maleny workshop, flat pack them to transport to Armadale  and assemble them in our cottage workshop aka converted garden shed.

The flatpacks arrived safely and over the last couple of days I have assembled the seven plinths as you can see in the opening photo - the background includes back stone wall of the cottage and shadows of the outdoor clothesline including peg shadows.

Working space in the workshop-shed is a bit tight because of other timber stored for another project - but some process-progress photos follow.

Over the weekend I will sand the plinths and give them a final couple of coats of grey paint.

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