Sunday, September 15, 2024

All but completed


The traditional fishing boat being built by volunteers in partnership with the Strathnaver Museum is all but complete - see above. Fiona and I visited the building workshop (poly tunnel - Borgie) twelve months ago when it was in its early stages. The floor, painting and or making were in progress this morning. The volunteers are aiming to launch the boat on 28 September; and Fiona and I plan to be at the launching event.

The boat is based on the traditional shape, building techniques and structure of the boat displayed in the SNM Annex.

The boat is painted white as you can see from the photo below; but the poly tunnel cladding makes it look pale green.

The shape of the boat is gorgeous as you can see from the photos in this blog.

A few other progress-production photos follow.

This has been a truly amazing feat by the volunteers; and what a gorgeous gift to the community and the story of the local fishing industry.

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