Friday, March 7, 2025

What a lot of creative fun


I spent a session on Thursday experimenting with alcohol ink and small spray bottles. Megan allowed me to spread out and test a few techniques and colour mixing. The outcomes are quite interesting I think - above and below. Some of the images look like you are seeing the landscape (boulders) on a darkish night through the rain; whilst others suggest one is looking at the landscape out a window on a raining day.

I was also testing combinations of white Yupo  and translucent Yupo papers;  and Sharpie pen, pencil and graphite watercolour pencils to draw the base images.

Following in random order are some photos taken by Megan as I sprayed images including double spray of the stones which resulted in the very dark night image. I also used two alcohol inks - shadow grey and our version of paynes grey created by mixing shadow grey and sapphire.

Many lessons were learnt including using a micro spray bottle with a very fine mist. I'm also going to test the spray technique on works on water colour paper - watch this space!!!!

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