Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wet and misty

©2020 Barry Smith - Almost the last of the peace roses on the block with droplets

There was no walk this morning - there were rain showers most of the night and they continued this morning.

©2020 Barry Smith - Misty morning
©2020 Barry Smith - Some of the camellias are hanging in there
©2020 Barry Smith - Tree at the top of the block is now without leaves
Though as always the rain and the mist allow for droplets and the sighs of the plants. Warning - droplets on lichen photos follow.

©2020 Barry Smith -  Single droplet
©2020 Barry Smith - Enfolded droplet
©2020 Barry Smith - Suspended
©2020 Barry Smith - Companions
On Monday morning the valley was full of cloud puddles.

©2020 Barry Smith
And why not finish with the sun shining through the petals of a rose on the kitchen window ledge on Monday

©2020 Barry Smith - Sunlight in rose petals


  1. love how the lichen wraps the single droplet like a pearl setting in a necklace, such a stunning photograph (((Barry)))

  2. Gorgeous post! Those droplet photos! Sublime.


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