Bit of mixed bag today art-making wise. Just for myself I tested if I could cut a stone cottage from a raw, rough, hard stone. It appears I could as you can see from the photo above - the small cut and lightly polished cottage (4.5cm long, 4cm high and 3.2cm wide) and the stone it came from sitting on my anvil. A couple of additional photos below. The stone comes up quite dark with a bit of polishing on my grinding wheel.
G asked if I could cut crosses into 20 or so stones that he could give to folk to hold when they did their Christian meditation. The last photo is of the washed and lightly sealed stones - silicon crease.
I have been asked to make 9 tea light candle holder in the shape of a house. I only have the one silicone mould so it is a matter of making one prepay - and of course there are always byproducts - hearts and coasters!! Making cement objects is not just about moulding the forms - there is the sanding, filing and cleaning off to finish them - dusty work.
I was a good day of art. The stones were delivered to G.