Creativity this weekend has taken different forms:
* attended the launch of the Earth, Dreams Magic publication (130 artists are featured in it including Fiona and myself);
* cleaning up my work space in the garage (it needed it - I could no longer find a clear spot to work in and tools seemed to be disappearing);
* catching up with a fellow artist to get some jewelers blades and borrow a saw;
* visiting a couple of trash and treasure shops to check out metal and metal pots etc that can be given a new life (purchased 3 medium sized brass pot plant pots);
* worked on an old washing mangle that will find a new life as a printing press;
*planted out some winter veggies (onions, leeks, broccoli, silver beet); and
* created the letter O for the ALaW 2010 art challenge.
So all in all a creativity was fairly varied this weekend.

As you can see from the photo above the letter O has worked out quite well. After outlining the letter with an O letter stamp I have beaten it from the back to create the O in relief. This has give the letter the extra shine that can be achieved by polishing the outward beaten surface.