©2020 Barry Smith - Vintage ornaments and lead type - showing spacers |
Over the last few days Fiona and I have spent a few hours each day in the letterpress studio. I had committed to doing an alphabet of bookmarks using 24pt Excelsior font - a cursive font surrounded by very old and slightly worn border ornaments you see in the photo above.
To produce 180 bookmarks it probably too me roughly 9-10 hours. What took much of the time was changing over the 26 capitals of the alphabet; and making sure they were centred properly and held firmly with different sized spacers. Each time I would do a test run and adjust the location of the letter if necessary - you can see in the photo below my tests - both sides of the paper was used to minimise waste.
©2020 Barry Smith - Ornaments and type locked up in the Adana chase |
©2020 Barry Smith - Testing!!!! |
I used a formula for each letter of the alphabet that I found on the internet - advice given by a jewellery maker regarding the letters that sell in a hierarchy from Hot down to Quite Rare. See the pages of my work book below - I needed to print about 130 bookmarks but building in extras for possible blemishes I printed 180.
©2020 Barry Smith - Calculating the number of bookmarks I needed to print for each letter |
Anyway the photo below shows the 180 completed.
©2020 Barry Smith - Quite a stash of bookmarks printed and drying |
©2020 Barry Smith - The beauty of multiples |
©2020 Barry Smith - You can see the worn edges of the ornaments when the photo is enlarged |
And because I had the ornaments set up, ink on the press and 12 blanks I decided to put a 24pt ornament in centre and print a few decorative bookmarks - Fiona suggested I print both ends that way folk could put them into a book either way and still have a decorative end showing.
©2020 Barry Smith - Double ended bookmarks |
©2020 Barry Smith - Beautiful vintage square 24pt piece of ornament |
This was a good printing exercise as it gave me lots of practice in locking up and using spacers.